John Cena workout video

John Cena Workout PLAN
John Cena’s workout plan is divided into three parts upper body, lower body, and cardio workout. It’s a 6 day routine with one day  rest. He generally performs 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps.
Day 1: Upper body
Day 2: Lower body
Day 3: Cardio
Day 4: Upper body
Day 5: Lower body
Day 6: Cardio
Day 7: Rest
Upper Body workout
Bench Press:400lbs
Closed Grip Bench Press: 350lbs+
Incline Dumbbell Press:  140lbs
Seated One-Arm Dumbell Overhead Extension
Barbell Curl
concentration curls
Dumbbell Curls
Pull ups
Close-Grip Chin Ups
Bent Over Row
Lower Body Exercise
Squats:  over 500lbs
Deadlifts:  600lbs.
Power Snatch: try to snatch your bodyweight.
Power Clean: great for building explosive power
Glute/Ham Raise: great exercise if your gym has such an apparatus
John Cena Diet
Cena diet is the most important part of staying in great shape. His  dialy diet  is as follows:
Breakfast: 8 eggs, 8 whites, two yellows and 100g of oatmeal with applesauce or raisins
Midmorning snack: protein bar
Lunch: 2 chicken breasts, 100g brown rice and veggies
Mid-afternoon snack: tuna on whole wheat pita bread
Pre-Post Workout: whey protein shake and a Banana
Dinner: grilled fish or chicken, brown rice or pasta, vegetables, and salad.
Evening Snack: casein protein shake or low fat cottage cheese


my height is 5'5 n iam doing gym..but i also want to increase my height weight is 67 kg so plz suggest me..wat should i do??

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